Ramsey Library Policies


Borrowing Privileges

Borrowing privileges are available to UNC Asheville students, faculty, staff, retirees retirees and network affiliates. Students from schools with which UNC Asheville has established borrowing agreements may borrow items with a current Guest Borrowers card (available at their home library). 

North Carolina residents may purchase borrowing privileges for an annual fee of $18.00.

For more details, refer to the "Big Chart" of Circulation Policies (.pdf)

Library Cards

A current library card must be presented for any circulation transaction.

Borrower Confidentiality

Under North Carolina law, library patron records and circulation records are confidential. We will not disclose any information concerning your library registration or circulation activity to anyone.

Loan Periods

Refer to the "Big Chart" of Circulation Policies (.pdf)


See Renew Books information page.

Overdue Fines

Item Type Fine
UNC Asheville Books* .20/day*
ABC Books .20/day*
Reserves (2hr) $1.00/hour
Reserves (1day, 3 day & 7 day) $1.00/day
Media Equipment $5.00/day
Interlibrary Loan .25/day
CDs .20/day
Videos & DVDs $1.00/day
Laptop Computers $5.00/hr
Group Study & Viewing Rooms $5.00/hr
ABC periodicals .50/hr

*Ramsey Library provides a 4 day grace period on books.
*UNC Asheville students will have their borrowing privileges blocked when their fines/fees for Ramsey Library material and equipment exceed $300.00. Faculty and staff will have borrowing privileges blocked with their fines/fees exceed $750.00.

Library Notices

Ramsey library produces overdue notices on a daily basis. Students will receive notices through their university email account. Notices are a courtesy and failure to receive one does not constitute the waiving of any incurred fines.

Lost Items

Items which are not returned during the semester will automatically be listed as lost and the replacement cost will be charged to the borrower. A lost book is automatically assessed a cost of $75.00; media items are assessed a cost $150.00. If desired, a patron can replace a lost book or media item with an exact copy of the borrowed item, pending the appropriate subject bibliographer's approval.


Media Equipment, videos, DVDs, CDs, etc. must be returned to either the Media or Circulation Desk. Books may be returned to the Circulation desk or either of the two university book drops. Media equipment and items should never be placed in outside bookdrops.

Special Searches

If you cannot find an item on the shelf, the library staff will place a special search on the item. If the item is located it will be held for you and an email notice will be sent to your bulldog account.


Holds may be placed on an item that is currently checked out to another patron. When the item is returned, the patron who placed the hold will be notified that the book has returned. Once the requesting patron has been notified, the book will be held for 7 days at the Circulation desk.


When a hold is placed on an item it is automatically recalled. The due date of the item will remain unchanged with the exception of faculty members who will have their due date shortened to a three week period. A notice is generated and sent to the patron who currently has the item to inform them of the recall.



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Ramsey Library | UNC Asheville

Last updated 12 April  2012.