Ramsey Library Policies
Patron Usage Policy for Computing and Networking


The computing and networking facilities in D. Hiden Ramsey Library are provided to support the educational and curriculum-related research needs of the University of North Carolina at Asheville, and to provide access to federal and state government information online or locally available in electronic format.

The Library supports free access to research materials and the use of computing technologies to identify, locate and use scholarly resources. Of necessity, this policy restricts library patrons to legal, appropriate and fair use of a limited number of Library computers, so that the UNCA community benefits from improved access and services.

  1. Computer workstations in the Library are designated for specific purposes:
  2. Reference indexes and databases (Reference area)
  3. Multimedia Reserves (Media Center)
  4. Internet and e-mail access (Reference area)

Library computing and networking users must comply with the University of North Carolina at Asheville Computer Use Policies. Student usage is governed by the Student Usage Policy for Computing and Networking at http://www.unca.edu/policies/71.pdf.

Permissible Use
The Library will monitor usage of library computer workstations to ensure security and operating performance of its systems and networks. Patrons will inform Library staff of equipment problems and are not allowed to reboot or tamper with the system.

Students, faculty, and staff with valid UNCA identification cards have priority over other users. Display your UNCA ID card in the holder provided. If a UNCA ID is not displayed, the assumption is that you do not have one.

The number of Internet access workstations is limited. The Library reserves the right to reclaim workstations being used for personal or recreational purposes, such as writing letters or surfing the World Wide Web, and to reassign them to patrons who need to identify or access research materials or complete coursework assignments.

Patron usage is limited to one hour per day at the Internet workstations. To reserve a time, sign-up in person on the provided form. Telephone and e-mail reservations are not accepted.

Patrons may use computing and networking technologies in the Library with the following restrictions:

  1. The use is not for illegal acts under federal or state law, pornography, or gambling.
  2. The use does not result in commercial gain or private profit (other than allowable under University intellectual property policies).
  3. The use does not violate federal or state laws or University policies on copyright and trademark.
  4. If the use is personal or recreational, it does not prevent use by another University community member for legitimate University work. Internet games or chat are an inappropriate use of Library computing resources.

Violation of Policy
The University Librarian may suspend a patron’s computing privileges for as long as necessary in order to protect the Library’s computing resources. Student access privileges are suspended in accordance with the Student Usage Policy for Computing and Networking at http://www.unca.edu/compcenter/computer_use.html.

Violations of law may be referred for criminal or civil prosecution in accordance with University policy.

Posted July 1997

This policy is available at the Ramsey Library reference desk.

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